Down the Beaten Path

Down the Beaten Path

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I'm Erika....And I was born on Nov 6th so I loved this street sign which is in Memphis. This was taken on a girl's trip to a women's conference. We had LOTS of fun and laughs which is always a good thing.
I am first and foremost a child of God, a wife for 20 years, a mother of 2 graduated homeschoolers and soon (Jan) to be collage students ages soon to be 17 and 19, a homemaker, a hobby homesteader, a student of many things all self guided, I love to learn about herbs, healing, animals, traditional cooking, homemaking, and self suffiency. I love to sew and garden though I will say I am not an expert at anything. I work part time at a health food store, raise Nubian dairy goats, meat chickens, cows, and anything else that takes my fancy. I really love learning about prepping and self reliance. The list could go on and I won't since that wouldn't leave much for me to blog about.
I've had a couple of blogs all revolving around raising my children, homeschooling and my day to day life with children. I still have children who still are at home but they and I are evolving and they are growing into wonderful young adults. So what happens next well I dig deeper into the things I love, learn things I have set aside for two very important people, and learn about this new season in my life that will be just as fun, exciting, growing, stressful, and enjoyable as the season I am moving out of.  
I usually don't have crowds readin

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