Down the Beaten Path

Down the Beaten Path

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

And Their Off!

We've been so busy the last few weeks that this site and any other internet thing I am on has been sidetracked.

I am officially done with my homeschooling career! My two children have started college as of Monday. So I think I will start a Life After Homeschool series here on Down the Beaten Path. Not to often but posts on what life is like for me now. I have homeschooled for about 15 years and so this will be all new to me.

Today I am not feeling to good, a cold maybe, so I am a little teary missing them some though my house is so clean, laundry is caught up, and dinner is actually planned and partly done. :0)

My daughter, I am worried about we found out she is dyslexic which has answered so many questions and given her a name for all these things that have frustrated her all these years. So I am being that protective mother bear wanting her to succeed on her own but wanting to protect her from hurt. So I sit back and watch in wonder because she is starting to bloom and I can't wait to see the lovely flower she is going to become.

Around the farm we have kids (goats) due starting next week, calves and pyrennes puppy growing, freezing temps this week so I'm not working outside much, seed starting plans ruminating in the brain, a quilt that will be started soon maybe today, and getting a routine started that will last at least 18 weeks till the semester is over.

I hope all is well for you and I hope to start posting again on a regular basis.