Down the Beaten Path

Down the Beaten Path

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Whole Wheat Carrot Rolls

Sprouted Wheat

Ground sprouted wheat

Yummy recipe from a inexpensive bread book hubby bought me last year. So far this is my favorite recipe out of this book. So I thought I'd share it with you today.
What I love about them most is they have no sugar.
1 3/4 c white bread flour plus extra for dusting
1 3/4 whole-wheat bread flour plus extra for sprinkling.
(I used all sprouted whole wheat flour for the both flours)
1 envelope or 2 T of active dry yeast
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 lukewarm water
2 T olive oil
3 carrots shredded about 1 1/2 c
oil for brushing.
I also add chia seeds, flax, and hemp heart combo I get from NOW. I have added chopped pecans, pumpkin seeds, or walnuts.
1. sift white flour in a bowl, add whole wheat flour sift in the yeast and salt. Make a well in the center and add the water, olive oil, and carrots mixing to a soft dough.
2. Invert the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for about 10 minutes, until smooth. Place the dough in a bowl, cover, and let resst for 5 minutes.
3. brush a baking sheet with oil. Invert the dough and lightly knead again until smooth. Divide into eight pieces, shape each piece into a ball, and arrange on the prepared baking sheet, allowing room for spreading.
4. Cover and let rest in a warm place for about 1 hour, or until doubled in size. Meanwhile, preheat the over to 425.
5. Sprinkle the rolls with a little while-wheat flour and bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I love a good bonfire, not the big ones that are to big to really enjoy but a small cozy one. The ones you can cook food on, roast a marshmellow or two, warm your fingers and toes on a cool night. Or just sit around and enjy each other company.

I can't sit around them all night I do get a tad bored after awhile but the building, the working of it, and the joy of the warmth it gives area all things I enjoy.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Cool Crisp Air

Have you noticed how autumn weather just makes you feel refreshed? I love it and our cats do as well. 

He was enjoying the lovely weather Saturday as much as we were, even at 12 years old he can still run and play like a kitten when the mood hits him.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Interesting Reads

I like to read I don't read as much as I used to since sitting down to do it takes times which I seem to not have much of.
But while I was reading the other morning on Down to Earth I found a couple of blog posts that I wanted to share.
I think being educated isn't just going to school and getting a degree in some field though now that I think of it, that might make you narrow minded in just your field. I think truly educating yourself is filling your mild from many fields learning from everything, reading and soaking up from all walks of life.
I like to do that though I don't do as well as I have in the past I've gotten lazy I hope to remedy that soon.
At Provenance Growers I saw a glimpse into what I want to do with pigs and hope to this winter but probably won't be till this spring. This is a topic I want to learn more about before I just jump, pasture raising pigs. We've only raised them in a pen they were fun but tasty but I want them healthy, happy, and work for me while their here. I can raise pigs but now I want to cultivate pigs take it to the next level.
And at this one, I learned that certain kinds of poop can be used for the best affect on your garden. I just throw it all in but this organized more and taught me a few thinks I didn't know.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Here is some randomness from around the place...

The big boys and the little boys, the little boys are growing to be bigger than the big boys.

Sunrise over the house and the trees.

Hope you have a wonderful day

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sour Dough

I like to make sour dough foods, bread I have not mastered but biscuits, crackers, even a chocolate cake are all things that I make. I haven't been able to really cook in awhile with being so busy but now things are slowing down and I have been able to make sour dough pancakes and the other day I made a batch of crackers and biscuits.

I used my smallest biscuit cutter to make the crackers usually I roll the dough out flat and cut into squares with a pizza cutter but I wanted round ones this time. I added a triple seed combo from NOW that we sell at work it has chia seeds, flax seeds, and hemp hearts. I love putting it in smoothies but it worked just as good in the crackers.

And biscuits they were yummy toasted with butter. Eating homemade food is always a treat so many people have forgotten what real food is and opt for the boxed stuff and cooking is an art that is being lost by the average person.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


My husband and I are looking at making a worm composting bin soon and I found this video a year or so ago that got the idea rolling in the first place.
I'll keep you posted on our progress with it.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


And not I'm not meaning the poet I am meaning baby guineas. I love having guineas they can be loud and they can be aggressive when they are protecting a nest or babies. But they let you know when there is a stranger in their midst and they have such personalities!

These are from the third nest our adults tried to hatch this summer. The first predators decimated all the babies over night, the second one the predator got into the eggs, the third she kept hidden in the garden and we rounded all of them up after they hatched and are raising them ourselves. Five survived out of nine but we are happy with that.

They are in the pigeon pen right now with our lone pigeon, Fred he was the only one to survive a predator raid a month or so ago. Yes we have a predator problem right now we are looking into getting a livestock guardian dog.

And here is our lone chick it cannot fly up to the perch with its friends so it peeps as loud as it can till they come gilding back.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Down the Beaten Path

When we are born we are automatically set upon a path, a new path, our own path one that has no footstep or mark in the pristine way that is before us. As we grow we start looking down paths that shoot off from ours going in all directions with no end in sight as to where they will end up if we take them.
taking the goats on a Sunday afternoon walk
Every once in a while we break a new path stepping off the one we were on to start something new. Some follow us and learn and grow from the ground breaking experiences we have. We grow and learn together and later more come and learn as they walk down the beaten path we have made.

Many paths we take are downtrodden worn by many who have come before us, we learn from them and the experiences they had before us.

These beaten paths can be interesting with many pitfalls and many things we would rather not do or see. Some though are filled with pure knowledge that we absorb and use in our daily lives to grow and become more of what we see as we walk the path.

My daughter's little buck, Pan,  he found a stump to be king of the herd
I for one am thankful for the beaten paths I find that help me grow and learn. I have and will start down paths that are not what I need to be on and I will hopefully be able to turn around and start all over before I loose my way.
I love to learn so many things and have walked many beaten paths as I have learned about homesteading, preparedness, living simply, and on many topics and I hope I will continue to learn so I can be the person I envision. I have learned so many things from the people who have walked before me as I know they have from those who have walked before them. I look forward to walking and learning in this life and hope to make many more friends who journey with me as we beat down this well worn path of homesteading, self reliance, and simple living.
I am not the first nor the last but I am grateful for those who took that step and started this beaten path.
Thank You for all those who contribute, write, ask, and journey down the beaten path....

Around and About

It has been breeding season around here and our bucks have been happy to do their jobs. Our two holstein calves are growing and act like big dogs one loves to rub on you like a cat and he's getting to big to do it anymore.
We've picked corn, traveled many miles on the roads to various things that need to be completed before kiddos start college. Our guineas hatched eggs and we were able to save five of them as well as one egg hatching in the incubator giving one new chick. Predators have devastated our chicken flock this year so we haven't raised any meat birds, well we did have 50 and all were eaten and not by us.
Late blooming flowers are in abundance and they are such beautiful sites as we travel the roads. I love that such beauty is provided at all times of the year for us to visually feast upon.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Toes in the dirt

Autumn, I love it, feelings of nesting come on strong, the fresh clean air, the smell of wood smoke on the cool crisp air, having all the windows open makes for very restful nights. And the colors are differnet as the world starts packing things up getting ready for a nice long rest.

But here in the south we can still grow something in the garden and we recently had some dozer work done to clear our property. We decided to take the opportunity to turn over the fresh ground and start a new area to grow our winter crops.

Dirty toes in the nice cool dirt as I sift thru it to pull out roots left over from trees that were taken down.

Early the next day I was out there again with Pippin my cat who loves running around in the garden while I work.

Pippin and I found Mr Toad as well. Can you see him? We moved him into an area where he'd be safe.


I'm Erika....And I was born on Nov 6th so I loved this street sign which is in Memphis. This was taken on a girl's trip to a women's conference. We had LOTS of fun and laughs which is always a good thing.
I am first and foremost a child of God, a wife for 20 years, a mother of 2 graduated homeschoolers and soon (Jan) to be collage students ages soon to be 17 and 19, a homemaker, a hobby homesteader, a student of many things all self guided, I love to learn about herbs, healing, animals, traditional cooking, homemaking, and self suffiency. I love to sew and garden though I will say I am not an expert at anything. I work part time at a health food store, raise Nubian dairy goats, meat chickens, cows, and anything else that takes my fancy. I really love learning about prepping and self reliance. The list could go on and I won't since that wouldn't leave much for me to blog about.
I've had a couple of blogs all revolving around raising my children, homeschooling and my day to day life with children. I still have children who still are at home but they and I are evolving and they are growing into wonderful young adults. So what happens next well I dig deeper into the things I love, learn things I have set aside for two very important people, and learn about this new season in my life that will be just as fun, exciting, growing, stressful, and enjoyable as the season I am moving out of.  
I usually don't have crowds readin