Down the Beaten Path

Down the Beaten Path

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

To clean and Oven...

OK I love my gas stove and oven but I dislike the aqua clean option on it. I use my oven a lot and I guess they designed this option for people who don't. Now I loved the auto clean on my electric oven it took forever but it worked great! I didn't have to use a toxic chemical and that was a big bonus to me. And I love a clean oven.

Now I am embarrassed to admit this when we redid our kitchen last Jan, a year ago, we had the stove for a month or so and I used the cleaning option on it once and I haven't cleaned it since. I usually clean it every other month or so, I use my over a LOT. I dislike the aqua part and it didn't clean it like I like it to be.

Well now that the kiddos are in college I have been going through the house a room at a time slowly mind you but I have been planning as I go. The kitchen is getting painted this week ceiling and walls but anyway I wiped all the walls and I thought that oven is getting cleaned!

I looked on the Internet and found a wonderful recipe that I had all the stuff for and it did great.
at Heather Crosby had this recipe.
Non Toxic Oven Cleaner
this is the recipe she wrote with my notes.
2 medium bowls
scrubber sponge
1/2 homemade liquid soap she used soap nuts liquid (I used Dr Bronner's liquid tea tree soap we use a lot of Dr Bronner's I love it)
1 1/2 cup baking soda aluminum free ( all baking soda is aluminum free it's the baking powder that has aluminum in it.)
2-4 drops lavender essential oil or a scent you like or none.
1/2 c organic white vinegar or apple cider would work too.
water to add to make the paste paintable.
This is how I did it.
put soap in a bowl and add soda, essential oil, mix those up and then add vinegar a little at a time since it will foam up mix to a paste. I didn't have to add the water. Now paint the paste on all over your oven and let it sit for 6-8 hours I also used it on my stove top which worked great.
Now I don't buy aluminum foil except for putting on the bottom of the oven which I didn't do when we bought the oven. But now a year later I finally did! This catches drips and spills.
I hope this helps anyone who would like a better option for cleaning that oven without asphyxiating yourself or your family.

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