Down the Beaten Path

Down the Beaten Path

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Down the Beaten Path

When we are born we are automatically set upon a path, a new path, our own path one that has no footstep or mark in the pristine way that is before us. As we grow we start looking down paths that shoot off from ours going in all directions with no end in sight as to where they will end up if we take them.
taking the goats on a Sunday afternoon walk
Every once in a while we break a new path stepping off the one we were on to start something new. Some follow us and learn and grow from the ground breaking experiences we have. We grow and learn together and later more come and learn as they walk down the beaten path we have made.

Many paths we take are downtrodden worn by many who have come before us, we learn from them and the experiences they had before us.

These beaten paths can be interesting with many pitfalls and many things we would rather not do or see. Some though are filled with pure knowledge that we absorb and use in our daily lives to grow and become more of what we see as we walk the path.

My daughter's little buck, Pan,  he found a stump to be king of the herd
I for one am thankful for the beaten paths I find that help me grow and learn. I have and will start down paths that are not what I need to be on and I will hopefully be able to turn around and start all over before I loose my way.
I love to learn so many things and have walked many beaten paths as I have learned about homesteading, preparedness, living simply, and on many topics and I hope I will continue to learn so I can be the person I envision. I have learned so many things from the people who have walked before me as I know they have from those who have walked before them. I look forward to walking and learning in this life and hope to make many more friends who journey with me as we beat down this well worn path of homesteading, self reliance, and simple living.
I am not the first nor the last but I am grateful for those who took that step and started this beaten path.
Thank You for all those who contribute, write, ask, and journey down the beaten path....

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said! I feel so thankful that even though I may go down the wrong path, I can once again be gathered back into where I need to be. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father and repentance - what a blessing!!! Your pictures are just lovely too!
